Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rest day

After a long night of reading new and interesting blog posts I then had to wake up and do... nothing. Hooray for weekends! It's also my 2nd day of rest from lifting (I go to the gym Su/Tu/Th), so I get more time to relax my bum knee. It actually feels a lot better since last week, though definitely not fully recovered yet. I guess that can only be a good sign.

In the meantime, today I'll probably just be sitting around and reading a book I recently picked up. It's a definite sci-fi classic, but I haven't read it yet. Actually got the idea from a book thread a few months ago. Not that far in, but I'm already pretty engrossed by the story.

Along with that, I'm sure I'll watch a few episodes of my new TV obsession. Just downloaded the 3rd season. If it's as good as the first two, I'm sure I won't be disappointed. The thing I'm most impressed about is the total adherence to 60s period props and behavior. Really great.

I told my roommate I made a blog last night and he requested I put up a video for him at the end of my post today. I don't particularly care for the band,  but they're one of his favorites. He's going to see them in concert today, so he was extremely excited all morning (and kept bugging me). I get done lifting at ~5:30 PST on the days I go to the gym, so expect another update on my progress around that time tomorrow.


  1. I really need to get into more Asimov... I'm too much of a Gibson junkie.

  2. Band of Horses is actually pretty good. Don't care to much for this song though....

  3. I'm a huge sci-fi fan, and am ashamed to say that I've nver read any Asimov!

  4. I really need to start picking up those books

  5. Bloody wonderful. Another book to add to my stack of unread books. <_<

  6. I'll check it out, I'm a huge sci-fi fan myself.
